Strength indications on carabiner

  A carabiner is designed for climbing and made in such a way that it can withstand the forces that normally occur. You therefore do not have to worry about the load capacity of carabiners if they meet the European standard (EN 12275) or the UIAA specifications.
You can recognize this by the CE and UIAA markings on the long side of the carabiner. According to these two standards, the minimum load capacity of a carabiner is:

  • in length: 20 kN
  • transverse: 7 kN
  • open: 6 kN

However, some carabiners exceed standard requirements. That is why every manufacturer likes to engrave the values of the respective model in its carabiners. Three values are always given: longitudinal strength, transverse strength and open snapper strength.

When choosing a carabiner, load capacity is usually not the most important criterion, as all climbing carabiners can carry much more than we normally expect from them.


Breaking load major axis

24 kN

Breaking load minor axis

9 kN


Breaking load with open gate

7 kN


60 g

Maximum gate opening

17 mm


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Individual tested


  • EN 12275:2013-B
  • EN 362:2004-A/T

European Standard specifies safety requirements and test methods:
EN numbers are the European Norm standard that something has to meet for a particular job. There are two different regulations most items of this specialisation will meet.

  • Mountaineering (Adventure) or Industrial.
  • Often the requirements equipment has to meet for adventure are higher than those required for industrial use.

The letters CE stand for "Conformité Européenne", which means "European conformity".
CE numbers only mean  that an item has met the requirements the manufacturer has set for the product. Therefore products with this mark have not necessarily been assessed to the same standards as those with EN and UIAA numbers. Items with only CE numbers are not to be used for PPE.

UIAA markings mean that an item has also been approved for use in mountaineering by the International Mountaineering and Climbing Federation UIAA. For information on the UIAA standards and the testing methods, please visit the UIAA web site.

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