Being able to resole the Bestard shoes is an advantage!!

 Bestard shoes are relatively light and retain much less water due to the open structure. In my opinion and with the experience of many canyoneers and cavers, the shoes are durable shoes. A big advantage of the Bestards is that they can be resoled when the soles are running out, so you can use your pair for much longer. They run quite large.

Bestard shoes are slightly more durable compared to Adidas shoes.
In addition to Bestards, Fitwell shoes are also very nice and durable shoes for canyoning.

NB: Canyonzone is in the final stages of consultation with Bestard to have the resoling of the shoes done in the Netherlands, as I come from a shoemaker's family and can have this done by family members who specialize in mountain shoe repair. Previously, we always had to send them back and forth to Mallorca, where the shoes are made traditionally.

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