What to pay attention to when ordering a rope length!

 When you choose the length of the rope, you must first know what you will mainly use it for.
When rock climbing, it's smart to watch the topo. How long is the route? Are there abseil points and if so, what length should you abseil over? Many climbing guides list the recommended length of the rope, but as a general rule for outdoor climbing you can use a rope of 60 - 80 m. Of course, the length of the rope also depends on the size of the rope group. In addition, a short rope can also be used for securing when via ferrata or for hiking. Ropes of 30 - 40 m are perfect here.
Climbing halls are getting bigger and higher and that is why it is better not to choose a rope shorter than 50 m.

When determining which length of rope you want to order, you should check the degree of shrinkage of the chosen rope. With (semi)static ropes you have to take into account shrinkage between 5-10%.
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