What is the difference between Seland's and Vade Retro's drysuits?

 A comparison between Seland and Vade Retro drysuits is difficult as it is a very different suit build between the two.
Seland makes dry suits like you also see in the kayak / rafting world: a sturdy outer fabric where the whole is closed with waterproof zippers. The Seland suits are made in standard sizes (S, M, L, ...)

The Vade Retro suits are dry suits that consist of two suits on top of each other. An outer suit from Cordura with an inner suit of waterproof, semi-breathable fabric inside where you wear two suits on top of each other, making the suit super robust. Characteristic of the Vade Retro suits is that they are not available from stock, but are custom made for the buyer. There are options to add extra items to your drysuit, such as latex socks, and you can make the color composition of your drysuit yourself.

In terms of dimensions, both the Seland and the Vade Retro will fit well for your build. Both brands are wide enough (to also be able to wear a fleece / thermal undersuit).

Canyoning dry suits must meet different criteria than other outdoor sports, for example a kayak suit, in order to be used sustainably. Just like a wetsuit, reinforcement on the knees and elbows is essential to prevent these areas from chafing quickly during use. Something you don't have to take into account with kayaking. For example, the design of a canyoning drysuit has been adjusted and it takes more time to manufacture it.

Example of the construction of a Vade Retro drysuit. The colors are my choice. The outside that is the outer layer is orange-blue, the inner suit is done in yellow. The torso part of the yellow inner suit is sewn together with the outer suit, so it stays in place. The outer suit of the arms and legs has been pushed up so that you can see that they are two separate suits on top of each other.



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