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  • Petzl Crevasse Rescue Kit
    Petzl Crevasse Rescue Kit

    Rescue and self-rescue equipment (developed for rescue from crevices). The RESCUE KIT contains everything needed for setting up a hauling system or a rope ascent in case of a fall into a crevasse.

    € 180,00 € 162,95
  • Petzl RAD System
    Petzl RAD System

    A ultra-lightweight and compact kit with special cord, designed for crevasse rescue, rappelling, or roping up on a glacier to get out of a crevasse. Also good to use as lightweight canyoning rescue kit and pull-cord rope system.

    € 320,00 € 299,95

Canyoning equipment package Advanced

 The articles are intended to offer a basic set for the advanced canyoneer.
The basis can be composed from Canyoning package Beginner.

  The materials that an advanced canyoner could / should have are listed as Canyoning equipment & material – in the canyon (beginners, personal equipment). See CanyonZone / Canyoning (basic) equipment and Canyonzone / Canyoning equipment package Newcomer.
In addition, depending on your activities, additional materials may be required.

The articles / sets that we offer here are intended to supplement the above packages.

If you have a need for a certain set, which might also be suitable for others, I would appreciate it if you let us know.
We can then see if it is possible to include it in the range.


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