Canyoning equipment packages

 Here are Canyoning equipment packages listed for: Newcomer, Advanced and Professional.
The Canyoning equipment Newcomer packages are a basis. The Canyoning equipment  Advanced Packages are in addition to those of the Canyoning equipment Newcomer.
The packages of the Canyoning equipment Professional are an addition to Canyoning equipment Advanced packages.

If you want insight into what the equipment for a canyoneer consists of, it is good to consult the following page: Canyoning (basic) equipment.
The customer-specific packages can be fully customized based on your trip duration, group size, and any additional needs like first aid kits, safety gear, or protective clothing. Whether you're canyoning through waterfalls or exploring hidden caves, our packages ensure you’re fully equipped for a safe and thrilling adventure.
If you have a proposal to add to these packages, I would like to receive it.


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