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  • 35 Descentes de Tenerife
    35 Descentes de Tenerife

    The guide to the main canyons in Tenerife. The topography of this canyon ideal winter destination, includes many pictures that are a true reflection of what you can expect there

    € 16,00
  • 40 barrancos de Asturias
    40 barrancos de Asturias

    Canyoning for the huge potential of Asturias, in this guide many unpublished and small canyons concidos. Is this a pioneering guide that tries to accurately map the virgin territory for canyoning.

    € 22,00
  • 50 Barrancos del Pirineo 3a
    50 Barrancos del Pirineo 3a

    Essential information on the 50 most spectacular gorges of the Pyrenees. Each canyon is perfectly described with its technical sheet, description of accesses and the descent itself.

    € 24,95
  • Barrancos de Andalucia - 30 descensos
    Barrancos de Andalucia - 30 descensos

    30 runs, in the south of Spain there is a region rich in canyons. A description of the entrances and descent is accompanied by pictures, a detailed profile and a topographical map.

    € 24,99
  • Barrancos errekas cascadas y foces navarrensis
    Barrancos errekas cascadas y foces navarrensis

    344 pages, over 70 descents, half unknown or previously unpublished. More than 450 photos, very simple: with parking, approach and exit, Sketch. Some comparative spring - winter - dry water.

    € 27,95
  • Barranquismo Ainsa y Alrededores
    Barranquismo Ainsa y Alrededores

    A detailed description of 19 Canyons in the basins of Ara and Cinca located in the Sobrarbe, for all levels and the possible flows, because the ravines of Saravillo are mostly dry. Rivers in the Pyrenees.

    € 16,99
  • Barranquismo EN CANTABRIA 50 Descensos en la Tierruca
    Barranquismo EN CANTABRIA 50 Descensos en la Tierruca

    The necessary information to face the descent of 50 ravines in the Tierruca. The Aján ravine, with its playful jumps; the Aguasal stream, with the spectacular Churrón de Agualto waterfall or the popular Navedo canyon.

    € 25,00
  • Cañones y barrancos de la Ribagorza
    Cañones y barrancos de la Ribagorza

    An area where only a few canyons are known between Aragon and Catalonia. There are 40 canyon routes, arranged in valleys, with which the author pauses to comment on some of their features.

    € 28,95
  • Canyoning in Tenerife
    Canyoning in Tenerife

    There are 14 canyoning descriptions: a short description and recommendations, a specification table, a description of the access, a very simplified topographical profile, some photos in black and white, and a location map.

    € 18,95
  • New

    Canyoningmap Ordesa Y Monte Perdido
    Canyoningmap Ordesa Y Monte Perdido

    This set includes a booklet and two maps:
    I Ordesa-Monte Perdido
    II Añisclo-Pineta

    € 12,50
  • Canyons aux Baléares
    Canyons aux Baléares

    The canyons of the island of Mallorca to discover in a beautiful eroded limestone. 15 canyons are presented including the mythical Gorg Blau & Sa Fosca or Mortitx and Namora ending at the sea. Richly illustrated.

    € 28,95
  • Canyons Pyrénéens: 50 Descentes Canyons
    Canyons Pyrénéens: 50 Descentes Canyons

    An overview of the Pyrenean Canyons (30 on the French side, as well as 20 in the Sierra de Guara / Spanish side). Each gorge is the subject of a double page: description of accesses, the approach, return and descent.

    € 29,99
  • NEW 2023

    Descenso de gargantas y barrancos en GREDOS y alrededores
    Descenso de gargantas y barrancos en GREDOS y alrededores

    Modern topo guide, in Spanish, is very complete. Presents for each canyon one or more photos, a topographical profile, access map, description consisting of a summary, the approach, descent and return.

    € 30,00 € 29,95
  • Descensos de barrancos en Tenerife (15 mas)
    Descensos de barrancos en Tenerife (15 mas)

    15 canyon descents are briefly described, recommendations, a specification table, a description of the access, a very simplified topographical profile, some photos in black and white, and a location on a map.

    € 16,95
  • Els 30 millors barrancs del Pirineu
    Els 30 millors barrancs del Pirineu

    This book contains 30 descriptions of ravines and gorges scattered throughout the Pyrenees, the data and technical essentials are listed to take into account if we want to put them on.

    € 13,95
  • back available

    Guia de Barrancos de la Sierra de Guara
    Guia de Barrancos de la Sierra de Guara

    The bible among the topo books for the canyons of the Sierra de Guara and surroundings! Each valley has an overview that shows the canyons and the entrance. 47 canyons have been specifically described. 59 others mentioned.

    € 32,95
  • Índice de Barrancos de la Comunidad Aragonesa
    Índice de Barrancos de la Comunidad Aragonesa

    Index of the canyons in the Aragonese community. The number, variety and difficulty of the canyons make them interesting and give an idea of the Aragonese sport structure. All canyons with names included.

    € 9,90
  • L'illa dels torrents - Guia Torrentera de Mallorca
    L'illa dels torrents - Guia Torrentera de Mallorca

    An extensive topo guide, written by local canyoneers, describes no less than 46 canyons. At the front of the book we find a general map and list of the canyons and 3 chapters on geology, climate and biology.

    € 42,99
  • Laberints de Roca I Aigua
    Laberints de Roca I Aigua

    A book of 232 pages with a total of 45 routes described in four languages (cat/esp/fra/eng), mostly unpublished and little known. Beautiful canyons / canyons, adventurous canyons, large vertical untouched canyons.

    € 21,95
  • Le tour de l`Europe en canyon
    Le tour de l`Europe en canyon

    All interesting regions are reviewed, from Morocco to Crete, via Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, the Balkans and Greece. 4 cards and 55 sections, with a short summary for each card.

    € 44,95
  • NEW at CanyonZone

    Liébana y Alrededores - Descenso de barrancos
    Liébana y Alrededores - Descenso de barrancos

    80 pages, discusses the practical details of each descent, its estimated duration, the precise means -such as ropes and rappels-, the right time to perform it, the flow rate, access by car, the approach.

    € 14,95
  • Pyrénées en cascades - The big verticals to canyoning
    Pyrénées en cascades - The big verticals to canyoning

    Great variety of canyons, with considerable length. These are verticals and require special attention (equipment, operations, specific risks) and set the tone for the tours described. Length: trails 200-1300m.

    € 16,95
  • Ramblas Barrancos y Rincones Perdidos De La Provincia De Teruel
    Ramblas Barrancos y Rincones Perdidos De La Provincia De Teruel

    South of Aragon, in the province of Teruel, many rivers have carved gorges that are of interest to canyoneers. Book contains many photos, 77 tours of which 46 canyons with abseils, 15 aquatic tours with swimming.

    € 25,00
  • Senderos de Agua del Alto Gállego
    Senderos de Agua del Alto Gállego

    More than 40 unpublished canyons between the Tena Valley and the Land of Biescas. The authors, experts in canyoning and mountaineering, have written this book with the same affection they have for the landscape.

    € 27,95
  • Senderos de Agua Río Ara
    Senderos de Agua Río Ara

    New canyon guide with all the unknown areas of the Ara River. Ara basin, has several ravines and canyons, each with its own area and many of them are unknown. More than 60 canyons are displayed.

    € 29,95
  • Sistema Central - Descenso de Barrancos
    Sistema Central - Descenso de Barrancos

    All the canyons can't be done in the summer. Covers 6 areas, near Madrid: the west (The Hurdes, Jerte Valley, La Vera, Valle del Alto Tiétar), the north (Sierra de Ayllon) and east (Serrania de Cuenca). Many pictures

    € 19,95
  • Valle de BENASQUE - Descenso de Barrancos
    Valle de BENASQUE - Descenso de Barrancos

    Detailed information, sketches and photos of each of the canyons that exist in the valley so far. Up to 36 canyons are located there including some of the most legendary canyons of the Pyrenees as Eriste, Barbaruens or Liri.

    € 22,00

Spain (including Canary Islands and Majorca)

Are you looking for a beautiful canyon or canyons with a certain difficulty in Spain or the Spanish islands? You can find them in the canyon books included in the CanyonZone database

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