Business ordering at CanyonZone

 Our website particularly focuses on the individual. Besides that it is possible to order business. This goes through the CanyonZone wholesaler. For a part of our product range we also have a wholesale function. That means we can deliver large numbers for a competitive price.

Who can order business?
Anyone who has a business and working with ropes and hardware can order business.
You should however be registered with the Chamber of Commerce and have your own VAT number.
These may be for example:
- Outdoor companies
- Outdoor Instructors (
self-employed without employees)
- Campsites
- Theme Parks
- Education / Schools
- Climbing Associations
- Scouting
- (Semi) public bodies such as police, firebrigade, etc.

- NGO, non-governmental organization

What are the benefits?
The advantages to order business are: the price, quantity, our range and service.

You can order for business as follows:

We are happy to help you!


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