Barranquismo EN CANTABRIA 50 Descensos en la Tierruca

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Barranquismo EN CANTABRIA 50 Descensos en la Tierruca

 Autores: Juan Carlos Alonso Mora y Alicia Humara García
Language: Spanish

 The Aján ravine, with its playful jumps; the Aguasal stream, with the spectacular Churrón de Agualto waterfall; the always watery Valfría canal or the popular Navedo canyon are some of the Cantabrian ravines that have carved out a niche for themselves in the national canyon scene, showing the great possibilities that our autonomous community has.

The authors, after publishing two small guides on the ravines of Valles Pasiegos and Liébana, now present us with their most ambitious work, compiling all the essential descents in Cantabria, rescuing ravines that had unjustly fallen into oblivion and showing us many recent descents. opening that with the passage of time we will see consolidate among the canyoning world.

The reader in this work will find all the necessary information to face the descent of 50 ravines in the Tierruca, hoping that its channels will be traveled with the same passion, admiration and respect with which the authors of this work did.



1- Barranco de La Toba
2- Barranco de Las Tobalinas
3- Cañón de Corvera II
4- Cañón del Navedo
5- Cañón del Cicera
6- Riega Maredes
7- Cañón de Río Frío I
8- Cañón de Río Frío II
9- Arroyo de la Requejada
10- Río de Castrejón
11- Río San Andrés
12- Riega del Arnal


13- Cañón del Torina
14- Barranco del Híjar


15- Barranco-Cueva del Toyu
16- Barranco de Sebrando
17- Riega de la Hoz
18- Canal de Valfría
19- Canal de Lobao
20- Canal de Punvieja
21- Canal del Conchoso


22- Arroyo de Vidular
23- Barranco de Yera I
24- Arroyo de Chulingral
25- Barranco de Aján
26- Barranco de Yera II
27- Arroyo de Aguasal
28- Arroyo de La Alisuca
29- Arroyo de Monte Colina
30- Arroyo de Ruyemas
31- Arroyos de La Capía y La Coteruela
32- Arroyo de Cuberquío
33- Arroyo de Sel de Luyo
34- Regato El Tujo
35- Arroyo del Bapisón
36- Barranco de Sel del Haya
37- Barranco de Sel del Ceo
38- Barranco de Saramillo


39- Barranco del Argumedo
40- Barranco del Andaral
41- Barranco de Brena Corríos
42- Barranco Setal Superior
43- Barranco Setal Inferior
44- Barranco de Baulalastras Superior
45- Barranco de Baulalastras Inferior
46- Barranco de Sangas
47- Barranco Fuenteprovedo
48- Barranco Rovente
49- Barranco Calera
50- Barranco de Chorretones


  • ISBN 978-84-124901-1-4
  •  Year  2022
  •  Pages   282 COLOR
  •  Dimensions 15.5X24CM.



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