Canyoning Guide Manual

Item 4 of 16
€ 25,00 (including VAT)

English version of the Canyoning Guide Manual available at CanyonZone.

  Book adopted by the ICA - International Canyoning Academy.

Author: Manuel Costa
Language: English (original version Portugese)

This book is a compilation of various topics related to the outdoor sport of canyoning and it's different aspects, especially it's commercial / professional aspects.

The main purpose is to present the particular principles, concepts and techniques related to the sport by conveying a philosophy of the appropriate state of mind and approach to this sport. Although this book describes and explains numerous techniques that have been adopted in canyoning practice, it is not intended to serve as a technical manual.

Different topics like environment and nature protection, communication, topography and classification of levels and difficulty, installation o anchors, canyoning equipment, progression techniques, risk management, preparation and planning as commercial aspect and education and training of professional canyoning guides are discussed in this book


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