Seil- & Sicherungstechnik Canyoning - Textbook with DVD

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Seil- & Sicherungstechnik Canyoning - Textbook with DVD​

Rope- and Belaying Technique Canyoning

 Author: Alexander RIML​

The range and rope technology in Canyoning is a very important and delicate aspect for all athletes, especially for the trained guides. Because the rope and range technology is not the same as an alpine mountaineering, the author tried to show this with the help of his drawings and words. A wrongly used technique in canyoning can result in a fatal result, because you only have a limited time to correct a malfunction.

This book with its very precise explanation is dedicated to everyone who wants to experience this sport and want to experience nature from a different side. In particular, it is intended for professional guides and mountain venues, for which this book can serve as a manual for their practice.

  • Textbook with DVD (written in German language only!)
  • 307 pages
  • ca. 100 coloured pictures
  • hundreds of coloured sketches
  • bound
  • DVD as addendum
  • ISBN 978-3-9502384-1-9

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