Le tour de l`Europe en canyon

SKU: TourEurope
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Le tour de l'Europe en canyon

 Author(s): Caracal - pictures of Bertrand Hauser and Frédéric Garcia - ed Caracal, 2007
Language: French and summaries in English

Le Tour de l'Europe and canyon (the Tour of Europe by canyon) is a work of 364 pages in which 104 runs + twenty bonuses are described. All interesting regions are reviewed, from Morocco to Crete, through Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, the Balkans and Greece. Even novelties are described in France as the Torrent des Floors near St Christophe en Oisans. All levels have been described, the terrible Gouffre d'Enfer in the Pyrenees, the playful Alcantara in the Sicilian lava.
4 cards and 55 sections, with each sheet plus a brief summary in English. The cards are marked another beautiful canyons and slopes of the region! Moreover, there are also tourist and culuturele tips. The book shows you dive straight into our adventures, and the beautiful quality pictures of Bertrand Hauser and Frédéric Garcia only help you to do even more dreams.

104 canyons, just that.
This is the first time that so many descents are offered, over such a large area, in a single structure!

This reads in French


1 Taghia

Péninsule ibérique


2. Poio
3. Arado


4 Boléra
5 Tunez
6 Rio Verde

Sierra Prélitoral

7. Bercolon
8. En Piqué


9 Gorg Blau Sa Fosca
10 Mortitx

Sierra de guara

11 Mascun
12 Gorgas Negras


Du pays basque à la Catalogne

13 Artazul
14 Foz de la Fago
15 Gorgol
16 Glocès
17 La Larri supérieur
18 Miraval
19 Liri


20 Viu de Llevata-Gavarra
21 Nuria
22 Sant' Aniol d'Aguja
23 Llech
24 Cady
25 Terminet

Pyrénées centrales françaises

26 Artigue
27 Gouffre d'enfer
28 Neste de Saux
29 Saugué
30 Bitet
31 Althagneta

Massif Central

32 Tapoul
33 Chassezac


34 Purcaraccia
35 Vacca
36 Tignoso
37 Richiusa


Alpes du Sud

38 Trou Jeanette
39 Male Vesse
40 Mainmorte
41 Blache
42 Les Enfers
43 Clue d'Amen (final)
44 Riolan
45 Maglia
46 Barbaira
47 Santa Lucia
48 Confurent.

Alpes Du Nord


49 Ecouges I et II
50. Ruzand
51 Infernet
52 Pissarote-Craponoz


53 Les étages
54 La Meije
55 Les Oulles du diable
56 Oules de Freissinières

Savoie-Haute Savoie

57 Torrent de la Ravoire.
58 Pussy
59 Tines de Fonds aval
60 Barberine


61 Rio claretto
62 Torrent de Chasten


63 Groin
64 Coiserette

Alpes centrales

Suisse romande et centrale

65 Eaux Froides
66 Trièges
67 Gondo
68 Chli Schliere
69 Huribach


70 jungleend
71 Nederbach
72 Almbach
73 Frauenbach

De la Lombardie à la Slovénie

74. Variola suprieur
75 Lodrino
76 Pontirone inf
77 Val Bares
78 Val Bodengo
79. Cormor
80 Palvico
81 Vajo dell'Orsa
82 Gole del Soffia
83 Val Zemola
84 Rio Simon
85 Milnarica

De la Toscane à la Calabre

86 Campione
87 Fosso la Vene
88 Salinello
89 Infernio del Gran Sasso
90 Torrente Avello
91 Lacerno
92 Titerno
93 Sammaro

Les îles : Sardaigne, Sicile

94 Orbisi
95 Sa Figu
96 Alcantara

Les Balkans 

De split à Soffia

97 Cetina
98 Nevidio+ cascade Grabovica
99 Vlati (?)
100 Ovcarenski

Grèce et crête

101 Orlias
102 Gorgopotamos
103 Portela
104 Arvi


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