Le tour de l`Europe en canyon: Tome 1

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Le tour de l'Europe en canyon: Tome 1

 Author (s): Caracal - photos Bertrand Hauser et Frédéric Garcia - ed Caracal - 2008
Language: French, with summaries in English.

Topoguide canyon: tome 1 of the collection, le tour de l'Europe and canyon: Switserland, Austria, Northern Italy, Slovenia is the successor of the well known book le Tour de l'Europe and Canyon: Les plus belles descentes Caracal . In this first part of this new series are Switzerland, Northern Italy, Austria and Slovenia scrutinized. No less than 130 canyons pass in review (of which 68 detailed sheets), 50 profile sections with equipment, and 65 maps and access plans that allow the canyonist to discover exceptional places in the northern side of the Alps.

This book is printed in full color and thanks to the many drawings and photos (over 300!) The canyonist may already home a good idea of the canyons.

In short an indispensable book to discover the riches of this beautiful region, where there are so many canyons. And to keep dreaming, of course during the dark winter months!

Suisse romande et centrale
1 Eau Froide
a Tine de Mayen
b Morcles
c Pissot
d Montbovon
2 Triège
e Barberine
f Rogne
g Morge
3 Massaschlucht
h Raspille
i Feschelbach
j Jolibach
4 Gondo
5 Trümmelbach
6 Chli Schliere
k Klein Melchaa
l Grosse Melchaa
7 Isenthal
8 Hüribach
m Muota
9 Fallenbach
n Meinreuss
o Chenau de l’’Envers

10 Jungle-End et Kobelach
a Alpbach
11 Kronburger
12 Nederbach
b Malchbach
13 Almbach
c Fischbach
14 Grabenbach
d Jaglingbach
e Simpl Bach
f. Saiherbach
g Burgbach
h Wieslergraben-Ruβbach
15 Frauenbach
i Wöllabach
j Gailbergbach
k Lassingbach

16 Claretta
a Marderella
b Ronce
17 Séguret
18 Sessi
c Foresto

19 Fer
a Brenve
20 Chasten
21 Gettaz - Chalamy
b Pacoulla
c Bouro

22 Mondelli
a Bianca
23 Rasiga
24 Variola supérieur
b Variola inférieur
25 Isorno final
26 Antolina
c Devero moyen
27 Menta
28 Ogliana di Quarcia
d. San Giulio

29 Lodrino
30 Iragna inférieur
31 Pontirone inférieur
32 Osogna inférieur
33 Cresciano
34 Bignasco
35 Giumaglio
36 Salto
37 Gei
38 Val Grande
a Maggia
b Trodo
c Rio del Palme

Sondrio-Lac de Côme
39 Perlana
a Cairo
40 Bares
41 Bodengo
b Pilotera
c Cassenda
42 Bondasca
43 Ferro
44 Cormor
d Lanterna
e Lesina
45 Caldone
f Monastero
g Acquaduro
h Resio

Lac de Garde
46 Palvico
a Val
b Caffaro
47 Nero
48 Albola
49 Vione
c Baes
d San Michele
50 Campiglio
51 Vajo dell’Orsa
e. Preafassa
f. Vajo del Sandolino

Dolomites de Brenta, belluno, Cortina.
52 Grigno
53 Gole del Soffia
54 Pisson
55 Clusa
a Mus
b Ru da Molin
c Piero
d. Felizon

Dolomite frioul
56 Zemola
57 Cerosolin
58 Ciolesan
e Pezzeda

Dolomite Carnia, Alpes Julienne
59 Foce
f Cosa
60 Novarza - Lumiei
g Vinadia par Picchionis
61 Frondizzon
62 Simon
63 Lavarie
h Favarinis
i Pissanda
j Patoc

64 Milnarica
a Podolu
65 Suhi Potok (Baladovec)
66 Fratarica
67 Kožljak
b Globoski Potok
68 Volarja


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