Canyoning en Sardaigne
SKU: Sardaigne OverviewCanyoning en Sardaigne
Authors: Franck Jourdan and Jean-François Fiorina
Language: French
Finally a top book on this island in the Mediterranean Sea, located in the south of Corsica. Alternating limestone, granite and basalt cliffs, the island offers us diverse and picturesque canyons.
The routes described are numerous: 28 routes, including the most famous canyons such as Donini or Orbisi, but other hitherto unpublished gorges. Each canyon is the subject of a topographic profile, and a description of a descriptive summary. The importance of the trip (1-4), the technical characteristics (length, height, ropes, travel time, shuttle, ratings) are called for each trip. A map is often present, in order to dispel any doubts about the start-up or the return from the canyon. Finally, a general overview to indicate overall position of the canyons in Sardinia. Many photos adorn the book.
The list of tours:
1 - Codula Fiuli
2 - La Poltrona
3 - Badde Pentumas
4 - Badde Piras
5 - Bidighinzu
6 - Badde Dorone
7 - Su Codulone
8 - Codula Orbisi
9 - Grotta Donini
10 - Flumineddu
11 - Gole Gorroppu
12 - Gorroppeddu
13 - Baccu ESONE
14 - Sa Palumbrosa
15 - Bacu Olcoe
16 - Baccu Sa Figu
17 - Rio Trolei
18 - Bau Vigo inférieur
19 - Riu Trei (Serra Scova)
20 - Riu di Sarcerei
21 - Baccu Ois
22 - Baccu Farnucciu
23 - E Forru
24 - Rio Coxinas
25 - Gole di Punta Camedda
26 - Rio Oridda
27 - Canale di Muru Mannu
28 - Riu Linas