40 barrancos de Asturias
SKU: 40 Asturias Overview40 barrancos de Asturias
Language: Spanish
Autor: Pablo Solares
We put in your hands a guide that will undoubtedly surprise you, canyoning for the huge potential of the Principality of Asturias, and because in this guide you will find many unpublished and little ravines concidos. So, in a sense, this is a pioneering guide that tries to draw the first precise strokes on a blank area of the map peninsular canyoning.
These pages are canyoning and difficulty of all kinds; closed and deep gorges, and vertical and open gullies; limestone cliffs and quartzites; rappels rifles and others with more than 20, and / or large waterfalls; water drops and dry all year ravines; ravines for August and January; canyons with short approaches and others with long and complex access; even two drops of underground ravines ... you see, the offer is wide, canyoning reader and friend.
All gullies are outlined fully described, with their sketches, and maps location and access, as well as accompanied by a very complete data sheet. In addition, we also complement information of interest such as geology, traditional and sporting history, toponymy and hydrology of the canyon to help you learn more about your field of adventure.
Only written in Spanish.
La cuenca del Nalón
Foz de Cuasacas, Causacas, Arroyo Serandi
Barranco del río Guanga El Ríu la Guanga
La cuenca del Piloña
Los Canalizos
La Foz del Ríu Grande
La cuenca del Ponga
La Foz de la Porquera
Garganta del Texu, Arroyo de Monteagudo La Foz del Ríu'l Texu
Barranco de Carangas El Ríu Carangres
La Riega Vinceda
Les Foces de Corina
La cuenca del Sella
La Foz de Tolivia
El Beyu Tres Puniellos (tramo inferior)
El Beyu Viarcellos (tramo inferior)
El Desfiladeru los Beyos (de L’Agüera a Vidosa)
Cañón del Vibolí La Foz de Viboli
La Foz de los Andamios Prohibido
La Foz de la Caviella
Foz de Biamon o La CalderonaProhibido
El Beyu Llaganozos
Cascada d'Aguasaliu Prohibido
El Saltu la Lloba
El Beyu'l Ríu Redonda
Barranco de Vallegón - Superior El Vallegón
Afluente de El Vallegón
La H.oz de Colín
La H.oz de Guspiagu
La Foz del Ríu Villar
Las cuencas litorales entre el Sella y el Cares
Barranco de Valcabrero Valcabreru
La cuenca del Casañu
Los Calderones
La cuenca del Cares
Caleyón de las Barbadas Prohibido
Hoz de Mildón Prohibido parte
Barranco de Trescares La Hoz de Rubó
La cuenca del Deva
Barranco de Cicera Cañón de Cicera (tramo superior)
Barranco de Navedo Cañón de Navedo