Senderos de Agua Río Ara
SKU: Agua Río Ara OverviewSenderos de Agua Río Ara
Language: Spanish
New canyon guide with all the unknown corners of the Ara River.
Ara basin, has a number of ravines and canyons, each with its own corner and many of them are unknown.
Of Carpín verticals Duáscaro or Sopeliana Pich, the usually boisterous Ara gorges, and Arazas Sorrosal playful Furco drops, Gloces, Glera Otal or Lapazosa travel or quiet Gallardo Bergazo cannon St. Martin ... or Fuebas expert canyoning, which begins and every mountain lover who wants the nature that surrounds the nature trails that water knows established you will find this guide to discover a beautiful world.
More than 60 canyons, most of them hitherto unpublished, ready to be run through a variety of canyons, natural and geological formations that not everyone who wants to discover what they offer will disappoint displayed. The guide comes with 20 cards and 1: 15,000 scale are also included sketches and other information for each canyon.