Ramblas Barrancos y Rincones Perdidos De La Provincia De Teruel
SKU: Ramblas OverviewRamblas Barrancos y Rincones Perdidos De La Provincia De Teruel
Language: Spanish
Topoguide of the canyons and gorges of Teruel.
The canyonisten who visited Spain to know the Sierra de Guara canyons or the canyons around the Monte Perdido. But south of Aragon, Teruel province, many rivers gorges dug interest to canyoneers. This book contains many photos, 77 rides including 46 canyons with abseils, 15 aquatic touring with swimming, and 16 walks in riverbeds are described in detail in this book topo. For each trip there is a local situation map, a summary sheet with the characteristics (size, time ...), a topographic profile and if useful description of the acceleration / deceleration route.
This guide is in color and comes with 64 maps: satellite pictures with on-printing rows levels and paths to obtain easier access to canyons and streams.